


米国食品医薬品局(FDA)や欧州食品安全機関(European Food Safety Authority)が認めている食品添加物に人工甘味料なる毒物があります。


その代表的な人工甘味料は、アスパルテーム(aspartame (E951))、サッカリン(saccharin (E954))、サクラロース(sucralose (E955))、アセサルフェームカリウム(acesulfame potassium (E950))やネオテーム(neotame (E961))です。







まず、これらの毒性物質に共通する作用として、腸内微生物の増殖を促してリーキーガットや腸炎や肝臓の炎症を引き起こすことが挙げられます(Chronic Consumption of Sweeteners and Its Effect on Glycaemia, Cytokines, Hormones, and Lymphocytes of GALT in CD1 Mice. BioMed Res. Int. 2018;2018:1345282)(Acesulfame potassium induces dysbiosis and intestinal injury with enhanced lymphocyte migration to intestinal mucosa. J. Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 2021;36:3140–3148)(Effects of Low-Dose Non-Caloric Sweetener Consumption on Gut Microbiota in Mice. Nutrients. 2017;9:560)(The Artificial Sweetener Splenda Promotes Gut Proteobacteria, Dysbiosis, and Myeloperoxidase Reactivity in Crohn’s Disease–Like Ileitis. Inflamm. Bowel Dis. 2018;24:1005–1020)(Sucralose Promotes Colitis-Associated Colorectal Cancer Risk in a Murine Model Along with Changes in Microbiota. Front. Oncol. 2020;10:710)(Chronic consumption of sweeteners in mice and its effect on the immune system and the small intestine microbiota. Biomédica. 2021;41:504–530)(Sucralose enhances the susceptibility of dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) induced colitis in mice with changes in gut microbiota. Food Funct. 2021;12:9380–9390 Low-Dose Aspartame Consumption Differentially Affects Gut Microbiota-Host Metabolic Interactions in the Diet-Induced Obese Rat. PLoS ONE. 2014;9:e109841)(Effects of the Artificial Sweetener Neotame on the Gut Microbiome and Fecal Metabolites in Mice. Molecules. 2018;23:367)(Saccharin induced liver inflammation in mice by altering the gut microbiota and its metabolic functions. Food Chem. Toxicol. 2017;107:530–53)(Artificial sweetener saccharin disrupts intestinal epithelial cells’ barrier function in vitro. Food Funct. 2018;9:3815–3822)。


過去の臨床実験では、これらの悪影響を隠蔽するために、投与量を1日許容量の20%以下に抑えていたり、投与期間を10週間以下に抑えたりするなどの小細工をしています(Food Additives, a Key Environmental Factor in the Development of IBD through Gut Dysbiosis. Microorganisms. 2022 Jan; 10(1): 167)。



エンドトキシンは肥満や糖尿病の発症・悪化の原因物質です(Bacterial Lipopolysaccharide, Lipopolysaccharide-Binding Protein, and Other Inflammatory Markers in Obesity and After Bariatric Surgery.Metab Syndr Relat Disord. 2016 Aug;14(6):279-88)(Microbiota in health and diseases Signal Transduct Target Ther. 2022; 7: 135)(The role of lipopolysaccharides in diabetic retinopathy. BMC Ophthalmol. 2022 Feb 22;22(1):86)。













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