『Vaccine Fake』

Ari ShikaさんのFBのシェアで先日の私の記事『ワクチンフェイク:新型コロナウイルスのワクチンが続々登場!』を



『Vaccine Fake: New Coronavirus Vaccines Appear One after Another! 』

Big Pharma is once again busy with dangerous vaccine development.


It seems that a vaccine of the microneedle type (“Invisible Tattoo: Tattoo: Microchip of Vaccine History”) introduced earlier was developed against the new coronavirus (SARS-COV-2). (EBioMedicine (2020),


This is a ikebana, a chip that resembles a kenzan that fixes the root of a branch, and is attached to the skin like a magic tape.


Of course, there is also a chip embedded here that shows the vaccination history (and the metal in the vaccine reacts with 5G).


It appears that a spike protein on the surface of the new coronavirus (SARS-COV-2) has been applied to the needle, and it was said that antibody production was confirmed in mouse experiments.




In this paper, too, they regard antibodies as missiles that attack virus and other microorganisms (so called “neutralizing antibody”).

Antibodies are by no means proteins that attack microorganisms, but merely a garbage collector in places of inflammation (My New Immune Revolution).


I mentioned in the article about antibody testing that the production of antibodies does not mean that they have “obtained immunity” (it merely indicates a past infection).


“Vaccines” were the ones who interpreted antibodies as missiles to microorganisms and provided huge benefits to Big Pharma.


In the first place, not only this new coronavirus (SARS-COV-2), but also cold viruses such as influenza virus are rapidly mutated and become another variant when a vaccine is created (the virus does not exist, Even if it is considered a genetic fragment, the mutation occurs depending on the environment).

The principle of vaccination itself is fake science. (For details, see my book “The New Immune Revolution” and past articles (“Vaccinegate Controversy!” (2019-09-14)) and so on.)


The research is funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and others.


The director of this public institution is Anthony S. Fauci, who is “honored” as the now most corrupt physician (fear-mongering & vaccine promoter) in the United States.

He has strong ties to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, the Clinton Foundation, WHO and Big Pharma.

Big Pharma has been deadlocked in the last few decades with the development of new, profitable drugs.

Big Pharma owners mentioned above are hoping for “mandated vaccines” (earning money, population reduction and full control) that can eliminate costly and time-consuming clinical trials. .


Why lockdown and declare an emergency, as the world has shown?


One of the objectives is vaccination, which has not been proven safe in clinical trials.


Of course, it is one of the splendid purposes to create an immunosuppressive state by implanting “fear” in everyone with fake science and fake news in all media including net news, youtube (^ _-)-☆



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