





さらに赤肉は、炎症を引き起こすことで、ガンだけでなく、脳卒中・心臓血管疾患などの慢性病との関連 (因果関係でなく、相関関係(^_−)−☆)も報告されています(Red meat consumption and the risk of stroke: a dose–response meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies.J. Stroke Cerebrovasc. Dis., 25 (2016), pp. 1177-1186)( Association between total, processed, red and white meat consumption and all-cause, CVD and IHD mortality: a meta-analysis of cohort studies. Br. J. Nutr., 112 (2014), pp. 762-775)。





赤肉を食べることで、私たちの体内で炎症が引き起こされることが慢性病のリスクを高める原因とされてきました(Red meat intake is associated with metabolic syndrome and the plasma C-reactive protein concentration in women.J. Nutr., 139 (2009), pp. 335-339)(Interrelationship of seasons with inflammation, red meat, fruit, and vegetable intakes, cardio-metabolic health, and smoking status among breast cancer survivors. J. Clin. Med., 10 (2021), p. 636)(Consumption of red meat and whole-grain bread in relation to biomarkers of obesity, inflammation, glucose metabolism and oxidative stress. Eur. J. Nutr., 52 (2013), pp. 337-345)(Plasma inflammation markers of the tumor necrosis factor pathway but not C-reactive protein are associated with processed meat and unprocessed red meat consumption in Bavarian adults. J. Nutr., 147 (2017), pp. 78-85)。



この赤肉に関しては、加工肉が原因であることが報告されるようになりました(Diabetes mellitus associated with processed and unprocessed red meat: an overview. Int. J. Food Sci. Nutr., 67 (2016), pp. 735-743)(Red and processed meat consumption and risk of incident coronary heart disease, stroke, and diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Circulation, 121 (2010), pp. 2271-2283)。



この結果を受けて、米国では赤肉の摂取を制限しています(U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2020-2025 [Internet]. 9th Edition. December 22, 2020.)。







質がもっとも高い臨床試験(ランダム化比較試験)のメタ解析では、赤肉摂取は、加工肉であろうがなかろうが、心臓血管疾患や糖尿病発症のリスクと相関していませんでした(Red meat consumption and risk factors for type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trial. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2023 Feb;77(2):156-165)(Total red meat intake of ≥0.5 servings/d does not negatively influence cardiovascular disease risk factors: a systemically searched meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Am J Clin Nutr. 2017 Jan;105(1):57-69)。



最新の疫学的調査でも、赤肉摂取と炎症の関連は認められていません(Untargeted metabolomic analysis investigating links between unprocessed red meat intake and markers of inflammation. Am J Clin Nutr. 2023 Nov;118(5):989-999.)。





















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